Delia Smith Rice Pudding Recipe

Rice pudding is a timeless classic, loved by many for its creamy texture and comforting flavors. It’s a dessert that has been around for centuries, with variations found in cultures worldwide. However, there’s one recipe that stands out among the rest: Delia Smith’s rice pudding recipe.

Delia Smith is a household name in the UK, known for her extensive culinary knowledge and expertise. Her recipe for rice pudding has become a staple in many homes, offering a simple yet delicious take on this classic dessert. Delia’s recipe produces a rich and creamy pudding that’s perfect for satisfying any sweet tooth using just a handful of ingredients, including short-grain rice, whole milk, and sugar.

In this blog post, we’ll look closer at Delia Smith rice pudding recipe, exploring its origins, ingredients, and step-by-step instructions for making this delectable dessert. So, get ready to grab a spoon and dig in!

Delia Smith Rice Pudding


  • Pudding rice (175ml level in a glass measuring jug)
  • 410g evaporated milk
  • 850ml whole milk
  • 40g golden granulated sugar
  • 1 whole nutmeg
  • 25g butter


  • Begin by placing the rice and sugar into an ovenproof dish. Next, pour in both the milk and evaporated milk and mix thoroughly.
  • Using a grater, evenly distribute the entirety of a nutmeg over the surface area of the dish, taking care not to skimp as it requires ample coverage. Conclude the seasoning process by adding small flecks of butter on top.
  • Next, delicately place the dish onto the center shelf of the oven and allow it to bake for a duration of 2 hours and 15 minutes.
  • After baking the pudding for 45 minutes, gently slide out the oven shelf and thoroughly stir the contents.
  • After the designated period, the rice grains will have undergone a process of swelling, resulting in the accumulation of creamy liquid around them, accompanied by the development of a delectable outer layer.

Tips for Perfect Rice Pudding

Here are few  tips for making Delia Smith’s Rice Pudding recipe:

Use good quality ingredients: This recipe relies on the simple combination of rice, milk, and sugar, so it’s important to use high-quality ingredients to ensure the best flavor.

Grate the nutmeg fresh: The freshly grated nutmeg adds a lovely aroma and flavor to the pudding, so it’s best to grate it just before using.

Stir the pudding halfway through baking: This ensures that the rice cooks evenly and prevents it from sticking to the bottom.

Keep an eye on the pudding towards the end of the cooking time: Depending on your oven, the pudding may take slightly less or more time to cook, so keep an eye on it towards the end to ensure it doesn’t overcook or burn.

Serve warm or cold: This pudding can be enjoyed either warm or cold, so feel free to serve it according to your preference.

Following these tips and tricks, you can make a delicious and comforting rice pudding that’s perfect for any occasion.

Serving Suggestions for Delia Smith Rice Pudding

Delia Smith’s Rice Pudding is a comforting and versatile dessert that can be enjoyed in many ways. Here are some serving suggestions to try:


For a classic, cozy dessert, serve warm or chilled pudding with a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg.


Add some fresh or canned fruit to the top of the pudding for a burst of flavor and texture. Popular options include raspberries, strawberries, peaches, or even a drizzle of fruit compote.


For a decadent twist, stir in some chocolate chips or chunks to the pudding as it bakes. Once it’s done, top it with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.


Add some chopped nuts, such as almonds or pecans, to the top of the pudding for a crunchy texture and nutty flavor.


For an extra-special presentation, sprinkle some brown sugar on top of the pudding and use a kitchen torch to caramelize the sugar until it forms a crispy brulee crust.

These serving suggestions are just the beginning – feel free to get creative and experiment with different toppings and flavor combinations to find your perfect rice pudding dessert.


In conclusion, Delia Smith rice pudding recipe is a delightful and easy-to-follow dessert recipe with a creamy and delicious result. The combination of evaporated milk, whole milk, and golden granulated sugar creates a rich and indulgent base for the rice grains to cook in, while the nutmeg and butter add a warm and comforting aroma and flavor to the pudding. The two-hour and fifteen-minute bake time allows the rice to fully absorb the liquid and become perfectly tender, resulting in a creamy and satisfying texture. Stirring the pudding halfway through baking helps to ensure that the rice grains cook evenly and do not stick to the bottom of the dish. This classic rice pudding recipe is perfect for serving alone or with a variety of things mentioned above. Delia Smith rice pudding recipe is a must-try for anyone looking for a comforting and delicious dessert recipe.

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